How to start a blog in India

Sanjay Shenoy
3 min readMay 18, 2021

You know, the best time to start a blog was 10 years ago?

But do you know the second-best time to start a blog?


Yeah yeah, I know. I conveniently stole a Chinese proverb and made it my own.

Go ahead, sue me.

But you don’t need me to tell you that there is a lot of truth in it.

If there wasn’t any truth, you wouldn’t be reading this.

The truth is that if you want to see any kind of success with blogging in the future, you need to learn how to start a blog today.

Actually, scratch that — you need to start a blog NOW!

“Easier said than done,” you say?

Believe me when I say this, setting up your blog is very simple — but not easy.

I am sure you would agree that nothing worthwhile is easy and nothing easy is worthwhile.

It’s the same with blogging. But you have to start somewhere, right?

How much longer are you going to procrastinate?

How much longer are you going to lie to yourself that someday you are going to start blogging? Because last time I checked, someday is not a day of the week.

Look, I am not trying to offend you here. I am just trying to help you.

Maybe you need that nudge, that tough love to push you to take that leap after all.

I know that because I have been there too. All the while, I only wished for someone who could kick me in the backside and get me to take the leap.

It was worse for me because I have helped set up blogs for so many startups and companies and attracted millions of people every single month.

If I could do that for them, why not for myself?

More often than not, transformations in any aspect of your life require a certain amount of misery, a point where you get so fed up that the pain of not doing something is more intolerable than the overwhelming fear of doing something new.

I finally reached that point, stopped bullshitting myself, and set up my own blog — hands down one of the best decisions I have made in my life.

My blog became my outlet to express my opinions, articulate my thoughts , and share them with others.

It allowed me to influence the hearts and minds of thousands of people every month by educating them and, brick by brick, eradicating their ignorance. Trust me, it’s a very satisfying feeling — blogging is the easiest way to help others.

Now, I want you to feel it too. I want you to take the plunge and finally start your own blog.

I am going to guide you step by step through the entire process so by the time you are done reading this, you will know the path to take to set up your own blog.

(NOTE: It doesn’t matter whether you want to start a travel blog, fashion blog, tech blog, food blog, or a lifestyle blog — the same fundamentals apply)

Buckle up! It’s going to be a wild ride.

This post was originally published here:

